Fighting the uphill battle
In the middle of a longer than usual run my mind started to wander away from the laboring of my breath and the nagging whine of my legs saying “are we there yet?” to how much the world we are currently living in is like my experiences running. I equated the uphill portion to challenges I’ve had to face. At first we think it isn’t going to be too bad. After all, I saw it coming and decided to take this route in spite of the impending incline. Then as my breathing becomes more deliberate, my strides shorten, and every muscle in my body tightens under the stress, The Brain starts to chatter. “Why are we doing this”, “I knew this was a bad idea the LAST time we did this” “Seriously you can turn around or stop.. no one will know” It is usually about this time that I turn to my Mindset Coaching experience and say “ENOUGH” to all of it. “Brain- we are doing this, Legs-here comes the oxygen..use it to fuel yourselves ..lungs we need you now”. So guess what happens at this point .. I get it done. The steps are still different than the flats and my breathing is still difficult, but I get it done. So what happens when I get to the top or a flatter surface? Brain,legs and lungs high five each other, my breathing and stride return to normal running pace. It’s what happens next that actually got me thinking. I usually “attack” the down hills on my runs. I love the feeling of taking big strides and picking up momentum for the next flat or incline. But what I did on this run is thought more about savoring the feeling at the top and not rushing to get back to the comfort of the down and flat.
So how does this relate to today’s current situation? While we are all battling our own versions of uphill we need to rely on positive Mindset techniques to get up and over the hill. Recognize when The Brain wants to shut everything down and use Mindset techniques to override him. When we get out of isolation and are able to return to “normal” maybe take some time to enjoy the top of the hill. Keep a few habits that you’ve incorporated while on shut down. Keep taking the dog for a walk (have you seen how happy they are to be out with you? I have!) play ball with your kids, keep a family movie night once a week. And lastly try not to sprint back towards to ease of the flat road because around the next corner maybe another incline and you want to be ready for it.
I felt like I was right there climbing that hill with you!! Totally have all those feelings when I’m tackling a difficult part of a run. I always do the pat on the back when I get to the top *hoping no one sees me*
Always mind over matter!